Hispanic Owned or Founded Beauty
Shades by Shan
Affordable, high-quality makeup that supports single parents through The Mama Berries Foundation, which has helped 80+ families
Lunar Beauty
By blurring gender lines in cosmetics, Lunar Beauty lets you be anything you've dreamed you could be
Reina Rebelde
Reina Rebelde honors Latinas at every step of their beauty ritual with cruelty-free products
Jennifer Lopez
Her fragrances embody everything she stands for, created for the multifaceted, powerful woman
Prados Beauty
An inclusive & uplifting beauty brand that inspires people through the lens of indigenous communities
Bomba Curls
Bomba Curls empowers curlistas across the world to define their own standards of beauty
Royalty By Maluma
Fragrances for men & women that transform everyday routines into royal experiences
She steps boldly into her role and incites women to do the same: to own their attributes & feel their power